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What is the purpose of the study?


The purpose of the study is to investigate mental processes involved in endurance exercise. More specifically, to understand how the desires to maintain and reduce effort change over the course of an endurance task. 

The study is also looking to investigate individuals’ goals and daily routines.


Are there any exclusion criteria?


You must be aged between 18 and 35, and be physically active (30 minutes of moderate intensity, physical activity on at least 3 days each week for at least 3 months).


What will I be asked to do?


You will need to take part in two lab sessions lasting 30 mins each, separated by at least 24 hours. 

Each session will comprise of a 15-minute writing task followed by a wall-sit for as long as you are able.

The writing tasks involve writing about your future goals or about your daily life.

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